When you want your best wishes to arrive in high style, go with this fashionable, feminine bouquet! Full and fragrant, it gathers soft pink roses with white lilies, alstroemeria and mums into a rounded ginger vase.
• Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are mixed with white statice and variegated pittosporum in a clear, rounded vase.
• This arrangement will be hand designed and delivered by a local florist.
• An appropriate gift sent from a family member, friend, or business associate.
• Appropriate to send directly to the funeral home, or to the family's residence.
Arrangement measurements:
10 1/2" W
Standard - CAD $90.33
11" W
Deluxe - CAD $105.02
12" W
Premium - CAD $119.71
Hand Delivery
on all Arrangements by a Local Florist!